Sunday, October 23, 2011

Radishes Feelin' Blue

I've been having some problems with my new posts not showing up on the blog lists of those of you nice enough to follow me. I still don't think it's fixed, but I'm going to keep posting anyway and hope someone will be able to help me figure this out.

Anyway, this is a painting of some long radishes I got from one of the farmers at the Pepper Place Market. It's painted on a 6"x12" board.


  1. Amy, these recent painting are so nice. Sorry you are having trouble with the blog showing up. I actually had trouble this time clicking over. YOur thumbnail was there but when I clicked on it, it said page could not be found. Then I clicked on the same page to your blog name and it brought me to it. I have never had any trouble so I am not sure what to tell you. Frustrating!
    Look forward to spending time with you in Nashville soon.

  2. Beautiful work! I love the colors and the graphic quality. I was having that same trouble with my thumbnails not showing up. I finally found out that if you have a period in the title of your file (I had T. Paden in mine) that they won't show up. Also, if you don't have .jpeg at the end, and if you have a space before the .jpeg they won't show up. Hope that helps!
